Get Synced.
Each client and organizational service is unique and we want to make our services attainable for everyone. Here is a general guideline of how we work, but we are here for you, to make it work for you.
Prior to any meeting I ask all clients to fill out a questionnaire and submit simple photos of the spaces we are going to be working with. From there we will set an appointment for the Initial Consultation (about 1-2 hours).
Initial Consultation:
We will go over your intake forms and asses your needs before we begin any declutter.
We will evaluate how the space is used and explore how we can sync it to make it more useful, productive and comforting to you!
Establishing what processes need to be put in place as well was how you want to get new things we will need to purchase items and if you want me to do the shopping for this.
Schedule for the declutter, which a client can choose to be a part of or not - totally up to you.
The Steps:
The declutter: We understand that certain things have sentimental value, or serve certain personal needs. It is our job to help you decipher what NEEDS to stay, and what WANTS to stay. Rooms and houses don't come to this disorganized condition over night - it is years and years of stuff that has piled up.
The planning: After we have decluttered and sorted through every item, yes every single one, we start the rebuilding phase. We will analyze the space and decide what supplies are needed so we can purchase those products tailored to your specific project.
The rebuild: this is one of our favorite parts! Using our unique experience and expertise we will create the space of your dreams!
Once the project is completed we will spend time going over each area, the functionality of it, and most importantly we will provide tips and tricks for keeping it that way!